24 December, 2010

Small Town Love: A Case Study

I love being from a small town. I'm fiercely protective of it, because in our town we practice the lost art caring for one another. Not checking in every so often to see how the family and kids are, or how the new job is, or planning a lunch date to 'catch up;' but actually taking care of each other. We run into one another in the street and our whole day will take a detour to help a friend who needs any old thing: a rolling pin, a book, a shoulder to cry on...maybe I'm old fashioned, but when we talk--especially during this season--about 'being the hands and feet,' this is what I think of.

So, even though it was a somewhat trivial need, I was touched when, after getting to the island yesterday and realizing I forgot my copy of the book I'm (re) reading on the mainland, my mom called no less than 4 people to track down a copy. Each one apologized and suggested we call someone else who was just 'sure to have it.'. We finally found one--that was delivered to our door no less..

22 December, 2010

December: A Pictorial

A rainy weekend lent itself perfectly to making jam.
Corey, Sarah and I had a positively cozy night listening to the
popping of the seals on our jars and crying our eyes out
while watching 'The Family Stone' and 'Little Women.'

People in Southern California become children when it rains.
I mean that in the best and worst way.
I've embraced it by getting my Middle-Earth on and
listening to Fleet Foxes nonstop. It's blasphemous to say so,
but I'm a little more suited for rain than sun.
Don't tell anyone, though. I might get thrown out.

My mom, my bestest, truest friend Corey and I went to see 'The Nutcracker.'
We trained down to San Diego and took in a matinee.
Lovely dancing, but I must say the highlight was
when the little girls behind us could no longer contain themselves and began
giggling during the Sugar Plum Fairy and Nutcracker Prince's grand pas de deux.
'Ew!! His butt!! ... his butt!!!'
Ah, from the mouths of babes...

We've had just the right amount of festive in our little Long Beach December.
Tomorrow, it's on to the island where we'll really kick the festivities into high gear.

05 December, 2010

Boats 'n Hoes?

I never thought it was possible given my huge C-Section head, but...

It's a Christmas miracle!!!!

01 December, 2010

Rest Your Head, You Shall Find a Manger Bed

A few days ago at work, a client and I were brainstorming 'buzz words' for our upcoming Christmas show. We began sharing our favorite things about Christmas time--hot cocoa, carols, yule logs, general merriment.

Then he says: 'It's a holy time. it's a holy thing, a holy name. It's the birth of Christ, which stands for freedom. Freedom...heaven, which is for resting. Heaven is holy.'

Happy Advent, friends.
May it truly be a time of freedom.

08 November, 2010

02 November, 2010

Autumn always marks a sharp turn in my music choices. I start listening to lots of songs that talk about the sea, refer to boats as women, and use words like 'mammon' and 'jib.' It's a very folky time for me. It's also the time of the year when i'm most susceptible to country music.

Thus, my most played albums since the equinox:

-'I speak because I can' -Laura Marling
-'Craigie Dhu' -Dougie MacLean
-'All Delighted People EP' - Sufjan Stevens
-'The Medicine' - John Mark McMillan
-'Turnaround' - Stan Rogers
-'A Mouth Full of Dust' - Bradley Hathaway
-'Troubadour of the Great King' - John Michael Talbot
-'A Larum' - Johnny Flynn
-'The Queen is Dead' - The Smiths
-'The Wild Hunt' - The Tallest Man on Earth
-'Jacaranda' - Josh Garrels
-'Continuum' - John Mayer

29 October, 2010


Inspired by my friend Sarah and her crazy-bits affinity for all things Dia de los Muertos/Halloween, I decided to try my hand at 'for reals' pumpkin carving this year. If you know me, you know I love Spock. If you don't, let me tell you: I love Spock. My love is a little tongue-in-cheek, a little nostalgic, and a little bit real. I found a template (is that cheating?), and got to work.

Even though he'd disapprove, I am irrationally proud of it.

25 October, 2010

Saw Sufjan last night.
I'm still processing it.
That sounds dramatic, but he's dramatic, so it's fitting.
I will say this: if Sufjan doesn't mind the gap, then I don't mind the gap.

16 October, 2010

People say that California--especially Southern California--has only two seasons: 'Summer' and 'Colder Summer.' While they have a point, they aren't entirely correct. When Fall arrives here, you feel it. It doesn't slowly show up on trees; it's not gradual. Fall seems to be immediate. There will be a morning (like this morning) when you'll walk out the door and you'll feel it in the air and taste it when you inhale; it's like biting into an apple. But if you're not paying attention, you'll miss it, and that's why it's my favorite time of year.

16 September, 2010

songwriting class

A lyric sample from the songwriting class i teach at ASD:

'Love is young, love is old
It makes you fearful and bold
Love you'll take to the grave
Makes you scared, makes you brave.'

Our band is called The August Apples. Look for the debut album sometime...soon. When we buy a microphone.

11 September, 2010

A lot of people pooh-pooh the LA County Fair, but today I:
-Ate the best turkey leg of all time.
-Saw the fattest pig that ever lived.
-Almost bought a Sham-Wow.
-Saw a poster-sized needle-point portrait of Michael Jackson.
-Tried to figure out a way to steal this little guy to my left.

But I still couldn't convince anyone to ride the Tilt-a-Whirl with me.  

09 September, 2010

gustate et videte? gustate et videte.

-I was reading this book on my mom's kindle about being the 'marrying type.'  My motivation in reading it was, admittedly, flawed: read it, so I could consequently be angry that such a book exists and justifiably think things like: 'Who is this person to tell me these things?! There's nothing wrong with me! Just because i'm 26 and completely single doesn't mean i'm not the 'marrying type!'

Anyhow, in the middle of doling out terrible (read: 'actually pretty good') advice like: 'protect your heart,' and 'keep Jesus first in your life,' and 'God's got a plan,' and 'singlehood is useful' (There's another novel of a blog just waiting to be written), the author said something that has since stuck. In speaking about finding a mate, she mentioned that marriage relationships are most successful when those in them are part of the same 'spiritual weight class.' I begrudgingly agreed wholeheartedly. Then I sighed and got a little sad.

-I celebrated my 2-year anniversary with Arts and Services for Disabled yesterday. It's been a quick, full, heart-healing two years. I've learned things I never knew were there to learn, made many wonderful friends, and rediscovered the magic and absolute necessity of creativity in my time at ASD. And, on the coattails of the burgeoning nostalgia, my boss' boss called to ask me to present our little silent film project at the Western Region Association of Music Therapy Conference at the Queen Mary in March. My palms are already sweaty.

-Speaking of the silent movie, check this out: 'Love is in the Air'

-I'm reading 'The Cloud of Unknowing.'  I'm also reading 'Tarantula' by Bob Dylan. One is much better than the other. Hazard a guess.

30 August, 2010

On Pelicans and Promises

Today on the way to work, God told me he loved me through a pelican.
And I was once again reminded that His ways are higher than mine.
And that sometimes, there is action in inaction, and magic in patience.

23 August, 2010

My sister got home yesterday. Very glad i was to see her. (Yoda.)
She brought me a letter from one of the girls at the academy, Yanga.
In it, Yanga--an orphan, who grew up in a township--encouraged me to read James 1:2-4:

'Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete--needing nothing. '

Then she asked me how she could be praying for me.
Feels good to get schooled by a 14-year old.

18 August, 2010

The Gladdening Light

Usually at dusk, at sunset--my favorite time, when my soul's nerve endings all seem to be lit up--during my silence, I am led to a room. a plain, wooden-paneled room. dark, but not without lightness. Warm. Regal. Plain. I come through a door to find the beloved three sitting at a plain, sturdy table. Jesus, with a full, rich, dark beard and smiling, knowing, slightly sad eyes. It's on him my eyes are fixed, but the other two are there. The Father is all light and power and brightness and bigness. Sometimes He laughs--a great, booming, thunderous thing at which I myself never know whether to laugh or to cry. He seems relaxed there. almost jolly. And the Spirit, who has ushered me in and goes with me when I leave, seems to be nothing more than a shimmer. or a disturbance of light, like the bending of heat waves on a desert oasis or those bright stars you see when you close your eyes and rub them. Mysterious, beautiful, and surprisingly constant.

These Beloved are enjoying a meal off wooden plates and cups.  They always invite me to join them. And I do. And we sit. We commune. I hear them smile and laugh at the goings-on that delight them, And I feel just a bit of their immense joy. I hear them sigh and speak together in concerned tones about what saddens them, and I feel a bit of their sadness. But in the end, they always turn their smiles, their light, and their beauty upon me, kiss my cheek, make the sign of the cross on my forehead, and tell me to go out, remembering who they've made me to be, mindful of my salvation, and sure of their love for me. And I turn toward the door, which is almost bursting from the banging, and knocking, and pushing of all that waits beyond this peace, trying to distract me, trying to turn my attention away from these beloved Three. but they don't send me alone. They will see me tomorrow, but until then, that shimmer of knowledge, that wind of conviction and assurance will walk before, beside, and behind me. Leading my steps and holding my hand, for I shall not walk alone.

Amen and Amen.

16 August, 2010

Addie, Meet Bacon

It was a good first impression.

-I ran over a possum on my way home tonight. i felt equal parts proud and squeamish.
-I'm still looking for a record player. grandpa threw his out in 1990.
-I had a dream about the island last night circa 2002. It made me surprisingly nostalgic. I'm really looking forward to going home this weekend and raiding my mom's library.
-This was the first time in many moons I've missed an office, but I figure I spent it with a good gift rather than just meditating on one.
-Being an Aunt is maybe the most fun I've ever had.
-Brother Sun burned me today. About time he showed up.
-'My worship is a blue sky and ten thousand crickets in the deep wet hay of the field. my vow is the silence under their song.' --Thomas Merton, Monday dawn antiphon

11 August, 2010

I'm reading Hildegard of Bingen.  It's what i imagine a really intense LSD trip is like...only holy, and true. and crazy.

30 July, 2010

I love it when my dad comes home around midnight from working swing shift. He always smells like the sea and looks like a salty dog. It reminds me of when i was little, and we were night-birds together.

Sometimes i miss being small. Probably because sometimes I still feel small.

29 July, 2010

'Paul says in 1 Corinthians that God has chosen the weak, the foolish, and the crazy to shame the clever and the powerful; he has chosen the most despised, the people right at the bottom of society. through this teaching we see a vision unfold in which a pyramid of hierarchy is changed into a body, beginning at the bottom. One might ask if that means Jesus loves the weak more than the strong. No; that is not it. the mystery of people with disabilities is that they long for authentic and loving relationships more than power. They are not obsessed with being well-situated in a group that offers acclaim and promotion. They are crying for what matters most: love. and God hears their cry because in some way they respond to the cry of God, which is to give love. '--from 'Living gently in a violent world: The prophetic witness of weakness' by Jean Vanier, founder of L'Arche

28 July, 2010

At work today, one of my (favorite) students reaches out to me and says:

'I thought that was a Mary Beth...it is a Mary Beth! I like a Mary Beth.'

To which I reply: 'Hey, thanks. I like you too.'

He reaches his hands out to me.

I say: 'Yes? Were you after something else?'

He thinks for a minute, then says: 'Yes.'

I say: 'What do you need?'

... ... ...

'I want you to give me a kiss.'

And my heart grows a little bit bigger.

27 July, 2010

Hi Blog,
I promise I'm not intentionally ignoring you.
I'm just reading so many good books and spending so much time editing a silent film, and watching so many sunsets, and meeting so many brand-new babies, and spending so much time in the waves, and listening to so much good music and getting so many new freckles, and playing so much guitar, and singing so many songs, and eating so much watermelon, and learning so many amazing things that I've been a little preoccupied. I'll be back, sometime.
Truly, I'm sorry.


16 February, 2010

and I have become
like two giant fat people living
in a tiny
keep bumping into
each other
and laughing