09 September, 2010

gustate et videte? gustate et videte.

-I was reading this book on my mom's kindle about being the 'marrying type.'  My motivation in reading it was, admittedly, flawed: read it, so I could consequently be angry that such a book exists and justifiably think things like: 'Who is this person to tell me these things?! There's nothing wrong with me! Just because i'm 26 and completely single doesn't mean i'm not the 'marrying type!'

Anyhow, in the middle of doling out terrible (read: 'actually pretty good') advice like: 'protect your heart,' and 'keep Jesus first in your life,' and 'God's got a plan,' and 'singlehood is useful' (There's another novel of a blog just waiting to be written), the author said something that has since stuck. In speaking about finding a mate, she mentioned that marriage relationships are most successful when those in them are part of the same 'spiritual weight class.' I begrudgingly agreed wholeheartedly. Then I sighed and got a little sad.

-I celebrated my 2-year anniversary with Arts and Services for Disabled yesterday. It's been a quick, full, heart-healing two years. I've learned things I never knew were there to learn, made many wonderful friends, and rediscovered the magic and absolute necessity of creativity in my time at ASD. And, on the coattails of the burgeoning nostalgia, my boss' boss called to ask me to present our little silent film project at the Western Region Association of Music Therapy Conference at the Queen Mary in March. My palms are already sweaty.

-Speaking of the silent movie, check this out: 'Love is in the Air'

-I'm reading 'The Cloud of Unknowing.'  I'm also reading 'Tarantula' by Bob Dylan. One is much better than the other. Hazard a guess.

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