24 December, 2010

Small Town Love: A Case Study

I love being from a small town. I'm fiercely protective of it, because in our town we practice the lost art caring for one another. Not checking in every so often to see how the family and kids are, or how the new job is, or planning a lunch date to 'catch up;' but actually taking care of each other. We run into one another in the street and our whole day will take a detour to help a friend who needs any old thing: a rolling pin, a book, a shoulder to cry on...maybe I'm old fashioned, but when we talk--especially during this season--about 'being the hands and feet,' this is what I think of.

So, even though it was a somewhat trivial need, I was touched when, after getting to the island yesterday and realizing I forgot my copy of the book I'm (re) reading on the mainland, my mom called no less than 4 people to track down a copy. Each one apologized and suggested we call someone else who was just 'sure to have it.'. We finally found one--that was delivered to our door no less..

22 December, 2010

December: A Pictorial

A rainy weekend lent itself perfectly to making jam.
Corey, Sarah and I had a positively cozy night listening to the
popping of the seals on our jars and crying our eyes out
while watching 'The Family Stone' and 'Little Women.'

People in Southern California become children when it rains.
I mean that in the best and worst way.
I've embraced it by getting my Middle-Earth on and
listening to Fleet Foxes nonstop. It's blasphemous to say so,
but I'm a little more suited for rain than sun.
Don't tell anyone, though. I might get thrown out.

My mom, my bestest, truest friend Corey and I went to see 'The Nutcracker.'
We trained down to San Diego and took in a matinee.
Lovely dancing, but I must say the highlight was
when the little girls behind us could no longer contain themselves and began
giggling during the Sugar Plum Fairy and Nutcracker Prince's grand pas de deux.
'Ew!! His butt!! ... his butt!!!'
Ah, from the mouths of babes...

We've had just the right amount of festive in our little Long Beach December.
Tomorrow, it's on to the island where we'll really kick the festivities into high gear.

05 December, 2010

Boats 'n Hoes?

I never thought it was possible given my huge C-Section head, but...

It's a Christmas miracle!!!!

01 December, 2010

Rest Your Head, You Shall Find a Manger Bed

A few days ago at work, a client and I were brainstorming 'buzz words' for our upcoming Christmas show. We began sharing our favorite things about Christmas time--hot cocoa, carols, yule logs, general merriment.

Then he says: 'It's a holy time. it's a holy thing, a holy name. It's the birth of Christ, which stands for freedom. Freedom...heaven, which is for resting. Heaven is holy.'

Happy Advent, friends.
May it truly be a time of freedom.