22 December, 2010

December: A Pictorial

A rainy weekend lent itself perfectly to making jam.
Corey, Sarah and I had a positively cozy night listening to the
popping of the seals on our jars and crying our eyes out
while watching 'The Family Stone' and 'Little Women.'

People in Southern California become children when it rains.
I mean that in the best and worst way.
I've embraced it by getting my Middle-Earth on and
listening to Fleet Foxes nonstop. It's blasphemous to say so,
but I'm a little more suited for rain than sun.
Don't tell anyone, though. I might get thrown out.

My mom, my bestest, truest friend Corey and I went to see 'The Nutcracker.'
We trained down to San Diego and took in a matinee.
Lovely dancing, but I must say the highlight was
when the little girls behind us could no longer contain themselves and began
giggling during the Sugar Plum Fairy and Nutcracker Prince's grand pas de deux.
'Ew!! His butt!! ... his butt!!!'
Ah, from the mouths of babes...

We've had just the right amount of festive in our little Long Beach December.
Tomorrow, it's on to the island where we'll really kick the festivities into high gear.

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