30 July, 2010

I love it when my dad comes home around midnight from working swing shift. He always smells like the sea and looks like a salty dog. It reminds me of when i was little, and we were night-birds together.

Sometimes i miss being small. Probably because sometimes I still feel small.

29 July, 2010

'Paul says in 1 Corinthians that God has chosen the weak, the foolish, and the crazy to shame the clever and the powerful; he has chosen the most despised, the people right at the bottom of society. through this teaching we see a vision unfold in which a pyramid of hierarchy is changed into a body, beginning at the bottom. One might ask if that means Jesus loves the weak more than the strong. No; that is not it. the mystery of people with disabilities is that they long for authentic and loving relationships more than power. They are not obsessed with being well-situated in a group that offers acclaim and promotion. They are crying for what matters most: love. and God hears their cry because in some way they respond to the cry of God, which is to give love. '--from 'Living gently in a violent world: The prophetic witness of weakness' by Jean Vanier, founder of L'Arche

28 July, 2010

At work today, one of my (favorite) students reaches out to me and says:

'I thought that was a Mary Beth...it is a Mary Beth! I like a Mary Beth.'

To which I reply: 'Hey, thanks. I like you too.'

He reaches his hands out to me.

I say: 'Yes? Were you after something else?'

He thinks for a minute, then says: 'Yes.'

I say: 'What do you need?'

... ... ...

'I want you to give me a kiss.'

And my heart grows a little bit bigger.

27 July, 2010

Hi Blog,
I promise I'm not intentionally ignoring you.
I'm just reading so many good books and spending so much time editing a silent film, and watching so many sunsets, and meeting so many brand-new babies, and spending so much time in the waves, and listening to so much good music and getting so many new freckles, and playing so much guitar, and singing so many songs, and eating so much watermelon, and learning so many amazing things that I've been a little preoccupied. I'll be back, sometime.
Truly, I'm sorry.
