26 May, 2008

one thing i really don't like about moving is finding a church.  simply because there's such a buffet of churches from which to choose: think dancing is from the devil? try a baptist. need to get your God-fix without the pesky fellowship and obligation to a 'church family'? a mega-church it is! desperately trying to hang on to relevance? find a church with a televised service and a choir made up of 40-somethings.   fed up with 'church'? find yourself a new church plant that's 'breaking the mold.' they're everywhere...just follow the college students. i should know, i was one of them.

not that each of these places can't be legitimate in their heart for Jesus and mission for a hurting world, but it can be quite daunting and exhausting to find a place that resonates. it's especially hard for me, because my home church is my home. it's comfy when your dad is the pastor and you don't have to worry about introducing yourself to people.

but this whole colorado experience has been about taking my faith out of its comfy context and making it stick, like when you throw pasta on the wall to see if it's finished. can my relationship stick despite the distance from its childhood home? is God still God here, so far away from the sea? do i love Him as freely and as recklessly when everybody around me doesn't have all the background information?

now is the time when pushing comes to shoving.
but this whole colorado experience has been about taking my faith out of its comfy context and making it stick, like when you throw pasta on the wall to see if it's finished. can my relationship stick despite the distance from its childhood home? is God still God here, so far away from the sea? do i love Him as freely and as recklessly when everybody around me doesn't have all the background information?
now is the time when pushing comes to shoving.

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